Buy Hawk Access
Guide to Purchasing Hawk.
Purchasing Hawk grants you access to both the TG Bot & Discord community access. Signals and commands will work on both. Hawk payments are automated. To purchase, simply head over to Hawk Telegram Bot:
Lifetime Access:
1) Use /start, and it'll generate a temp wallet for you to send 3.6 SOL to. 2) Once sent, click verify and the bot will automatically check for a transaction! (est. in seconds) 3) Use 🎫┃create-ticket on Discord to show your Solscan TXN, to claim Early Access role! Early access roles will be limited for lifetime access users only, and are prioritized for their early support. Lifetime users may also receive rewards in the future. We will create a separate role, Hawk Premium for monthly subscription users.
Monthly Access:
1) Use /start, and it'll generate a temp wallet for you to send 1 SOL to. 2) Once sent, click verify and the bot will automatically check for a transaction! (est. in seconds) 3) Use 🎫┃create-ticket on Discord to show your Solscan TXN, to claim Hawk Premium role!
Last updated